Before you decide exactly what equipment you’ll buy anywhere, let’s get together and discuss what you want to accomplish. Presumably, you want music and/or movies integrated into your lifestyle in a comfortable way. Don’t get misled by common misconceptions about watts and woofers. I’d be pleased to offer you complimentary initial consultation, without obligation.

Hear the equipment which you are considering in the comfort of your own home. It is important to know how well an audio component or system is going to work in the environment where it will be used. The room is an important factor in the final quality of sound. Arrangements can also be made for you to evaluate equipment over a few days - this allows for much more comfortable decision making.

Need some ideas on the best way to integrate a new stereo or home theatre system into an existing room? Maybe you are planning to build a new room. Let me do an on-site evaluation for you. The room layout is an important part of a good music or home theatre system.

There's still a lot of vinyl out there - probably in your own collection. Whether you need a new cartridge or a complete new turntable, I can supply it. I will assess your current setup, do cartridge installations, and proper tonearm alignment. Get the music out of those grooves with great analog products which are still available.

Could you use some assistance getting the best out of your current system? I can help with proper installation and setup for your existing components, and recommend possible cost effective improvements.
Curious about the condition of your older components? Let's take a look at what you have. It's possible a little work will breathe new life into an older system, or it might be time to move on.